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Wednesday 17 June 2015

Tiny stop signs are my enemies.

Well I failed my drivers test. Awesome. I suppose that is what happens when you finally get around to it six years later. 

Great news is, I managed to get all my supplies for next year ordered and also ten brand new tables! My dreams are coming true! The tables are from a Canadian (yeah!!) company called MityBilt.
--> http://www.mitybilt.com/ 

For the high school, it's exam time. So I have a lot of kids in here studying and hanging out. It can be loud in here, which is exactly what I want! I just have to make sure the rest of the staff is on board with that. 

I've cleared out my ancient paper room and am making room for textbooks. Right now, the textbooks are out on the shelves taking up a lot of space. I figure they will stay nice and neat in the back room, and I can also keep tabs on who is taking those textbooks home next year. 

I've decided to take on the responsibility of overseeing the Yearbook Committee next year. I just have to check and see if support staff can actually do this. I think it will be a lot of fun! I'm actually so excited for next year, new tables, new YA section, new charging station for laptops, new things to take on, new staff members to meet! WOO. Hopefully I can actually drive myself to work as well, ha ha... 

I think that's all I have to say. I suppose I should get to making up bills for lost books now. 

Tuesday 9 June 2015

New Look! & Other Things..

My awesome wrist is acting up again so this is probably going to take an hour to write. 

So as you (imaginary you) can see, I've tried giving this blog a new look. I love the font and the colours. I can't seem to get rid of that giant photo at the top.. I'll have to keep working on that. Still no followers, that's cool.... But I have added some widgets! I feel like I'm finally regaining my youthful technological knowledge. Yay! 

The school year is winding down, and my mental list of things to do and people to call is growing. I have so many plans (sadly expensive plans) for my summer. I am not sure if this library remains open a few days a week to the public? Will have to find that out. Since it is my first year away from all of my family and friends, they are my priority for this summer. I cannot WAIT to see them! 

For the end of the year, I need to obtain all overdue books (daunting task) but I'll see what I can do. I'm hoping I can generate enough funds from lost books for get some new ones in September! As I mentioned before, I will be weeding a lot of books from the library, but it would definitely not hurt to get some new ones for the kids. Diary of a wimpy kid, Dear dumb diary, Dork diaries (man they love diaries) and Big Nate, among the most popular. 

Apparently also, I accept every single lock from the lockers for the whole school, the amazing school secretary has made me some awesome labels for the combinations for next year however, so amazing! 

There are only fourteen (yeah 14!) days of school left, and 2 administration days, I will be here going through the books and reorganizing them. Any that I find that are outdated, in terrible shape etc will be stored to donate. I'm also toying with the idea of having a "Little Free Library" for books to giveaway, I'll have tons stored to replenish it. 

Among all of this, the library is hopefully getting a new look too! A new mat, which I have designed myself, a more open concept, computers in the middle of the room as apposed to in the corner, new tables, books organized into genre in the Young Adult section, a listening centre, a board-game centre and a chalk board wall. I'm trying to make this place BUMPING! Since we don't have a cafeteria. It doesn't have to always be quiet in here right?

For me personally, these next two months are going to be jam packed. From sports banquets, to book club meetings, to days at the beach (can't wait) to concerts-SHANIA TWAIN HELLO! To driving tests, camping, weddings and road trips. The summer is going to come in like a lion. 

Hope your end-of-year craziness goes well!!! 
The Adventures of a New Librarian