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Wednesday 16 December 2015

I should be full of cheer.

Well, it's the Holidays, I've got almost all of my shopping done, I haven't had to set foot in a store even. So why am I so grumpy

I guess I should probably just phone my mom and have a good chat. This last week of school is taking forever, I mean FOREVER and everyone seems to be on edge. People need a break. My job isn't exactly bend over backwards work 12 hours a day in total stress, but I deserve a little vacation too right? In my last post, I had mentioned I was in charge of the yearbook committee, and now not only am I in charge, I'm the sole member. Some kids have switched schools, others are overly involved in other things, and most have lost interest. Because of this, I have been doing a lot of volunteering, that part is awesome. I love getting to know the kids and this is the perfect solution. The other part that I do not enjoy, is the fundraising. There is just too much fundraising going on in the community, and there was little success with my last attempt. I also tried to sell lollipops at school, that was a big hit, but the sugar factor has now left the lollipops behind. 

As for the library, I haven't been doing a whole lot. Last Thursday was Human Rights Day, so I began a small project, but due to the business of this last week of school and taking photos, I only finished yesterday. I thought of all of my favourite human rights defenders, from all around the world (including a few Canadians yay!) and what they are defending. We have Malala Yousafzai, The Famous Five, Craig Kielburger, Helen Keller, Russell Means, Aung San Suu Kyi, Jane Goodall, Maya Angelou and David Suzuki. They are now up on the wall and I've been getting a few compliments and questions about who they are and what they represent. 

I've been reading tons of Holiday and Winter theme books to the grades k-2. They love it! It's always a happy time when I'm reading with them. I'm having a bit more trouble with the older kids (grades 7-12). During break time they are in here to relax, but while doing that, they have also seem to have given up on school this week, allowing them to rebel. (such as cursing, telling me off, disrespecting etc) This reminds me a lot of my first few months on the job last year. I don't like when the kids trail off when they know a break is about to happen. Why can't we all just get along??????? It could be the weather too, we have had a lot of snow recently and school was never cancelled, maybe they are angry.

We had free turkey dinner today at school and it was delicious, the turkey is making me a bit sleepy. Soon, I have to go take pictures of Santa (one of our grade 10 students haha!!) visit the elementary students. The Christmas concert was last week, but tomorrow the Christmas dance (if school isn't cancelled) so I will be here all night taking photos again! 

Besides all that's been happening at school, I've been trying to keep up with my life outside of work too. I decided to take on making my own Christmas decorations this year. I'm very proud that I spent only 20$ and made a ton of stuff. I was lucky to find a lot of what I needed here at work (the glue gun especially) I'm hoping to finish it all up tonight. I still have to get something for my secret santa, our tree, the ingredients for candy sleighs, and of course my favourite QUALITY STREET! This will be my second Holiday time away from my family. I'm always a bit sad but I know from last year it will be great. My partner's family and I get along really well and they make the time for me very special. This year I tried to purchase Canadian made crafts from Etsy for all my people. For a really low budget, I think I did okay. I guess my New Years Resolution is to stop worrying about money all the time. It's tough. 

My plan for the month of January is to send out surveys to all the classes to go in the yearbook pages and design the cover. Each survey has a question at the bottom that says "do you have a dream/something we don't know about you?" and we are going to take those answers and fill in a thumb print. We're going to make the thumb print multicoloured and it will say "We're leaving our mark" pretty simple but it's my first year, I don't want to get too crazy yet. 

Well, I guess I should stop rambling on and on. One of the kids just came in and said "wow you type fast" Thank You! I take pride in my developing teen years of scowling over my laptop as I chat on MSN. 


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The Adventures of a New Librarian