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Thursday 14 May 2015

What Day Is It?

About an hour ago, I had a plan on what I was going to write today. Now, it's completely escaped me. I'm just going to write anyway.

This week has been ridiculous! However, it is my birthday tomorrow so I'm very excited about that. I don't have any plans for my big day and that is perfectly fine.

Great news- the school division has asked the teachers in it's schools to order 100 books for each class, which means for our school (since it's k-12) 1300 brand new books. I am not sure if I'll be cataloging all of these books or just labeling them class-wise. Either way, I think this is really cool. One thing I've really noticed with the kids is that they are always saying "my class doesn't have any good books, I want to work in here with the books in the library". Don't get me wrong, I love having classes in here for daily 5 and other purposes, but I know it will mean SO much to the kids and the teachers when they come to class one day with 100 specifically chosen books for their classrooms. 

In order to keep up with this, I'll have to make sure I am on top of the new best-sellers all of next year. I've already been compiling a list, hopefully I can start ordering in September! 

Yesterday school ended early, the kids were gone and the teachers were in meetings. This meant that I had the chance to re-organize some of the books in the elementary section. Surprisingly, there were only a few books that were crazily out of place! I got over halfway done, but it's a daunting task that must go uninterrupted. 

A lot of my time spent this week has been on research. Thankfully I work in the perfect place for that. I am reading a book called 'Restitution' by Diane Chelsom Gossen. This is helping me to break my brain into itty bitty pieces at different points in the day. I need to keep reminding myself to remain calm, show that I care, and think differently than in previous jobs. This is a challenge that I enjoy, because I know no matter how long it takes, even if I take a million steps back- I will eventually make connections with these students. These students need to know that I will be here tomorrow and the day after that. 

Over half the kids have given me compliments today, and it's so awesome to see smiles on their faces! I straightened my hair today and they are so flabbergasted. I also hid some minions around my desk and made the scanner into a fancy man with a mustache! 

I must sign off now, since I'm just noticing that there may be a bird in the library.....BYE! 

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The Adventures of a New Librarian