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Wednesday 16 December 2015

I should be full of cheer.

Well, it's the Holidays, I've got almost all of my shopping done, I haven't had to set foot in a store even. So why am I so grumpy

I guess I should probably just phone my mom and have a good chat. This last week of school is taking forever, I mean FOREVER and everyone seems to be on edge. People need a break. My job isn't exactly bend over backwards work 12 hours a day in total stress, but I deserve a little vacation too right? In my last post, I had mentioned I was in charge of the yearbook committee, and now not only am I in charge, I'm the sole member. Some kids have switched schools, others are overly involved in other things, and most have lost interest. Because of this, I have been doing a lot of volunteering, that part is awesome. I love getting to know the kids and this is the perfect solution. The other part that I do not enjoy, is the fundraising. There is just too much fundraising going on in the community, and there was little success with my last attempt. I also tried to sell lollipops at school, that was a big hit, but the sugar factor has now left the lollipops behind. 

As for the library, I haven't been doing a whole lot. Last Thursday was Human Rights Day, so I began a small project, but due to the business of this last week of school and taking photos, I only finished yesterday. I thought of all of my favourite human rights defenders, from all around the world (including a few Canadians yay!) and what they are defending. We have Malala Yousafzai, The Famous Five, Craig Kielburger, Helen Keller, Russell Means, Aung San Suu Kyi, Jane Goodall, Maya Angelou and David Suzuki. They are now up on the wall and I've been getting a few compliments and questions about who they are and what they represent. 

I've been reading tons of Holiday and Winter theme books to the grades k-2. They love it! It's always a happy time when I'm reading with them. I'm having a bit more trouble with the older kids (grades 7-12). During break time they are in here to relax, but while doing that, they have also seem to have given up on school this week, allowing them to rebel. (such as cursing, telling me off, disrespecting etc) This reminds me a lot of my first few months on the job last year. I don't like when the kids trail off when they know a break is about to happen. Why can't we all just get along??????? It could be the weather too, we have had a lot of snow recently and school was never cancelled, maybe they are angry.

We had free turkey dinner today at school and it was delicious, the turkey is making me a bit sleepy. Soon, I have to go take pictures of Santa (one of our grade 10 students haha!!) visit the elementary students. The Christmas concert was last week, but tomorrow the Christmas dance (if school isn't cancelled) so I will be here all night taking photos again! 

Besides all that's been happening at school, I've been trying to keep up with my life outside of work too. I decided to take on making my own Christmas decorations this year. I'm very proud that I spent only 20$ and made a ton of stuff. I was lucky to find a lot of what I needed here at work (the glue gun especially) I'm hoping to finish it all up tonight. I still have to get something for my secret santa, our tree, the ingredients for candy sleighs, and of course my favourite QUALITY STREET! This will be my second Holiday time away from my family. I'm always a bit sad but I know from last year it will be great. My partner's family and I get along really well and they make the time for me very special. This year I tried to purchase Canadian made crafts from Etsy for all my people. For a really low budget, I think I did okay. I guess my New Years Resolution is to stop worrying about money all the time. It's tough. 

My plan for the month of January is to send out surveys to all the classes to go in the yearbook pages and design the cover. Each survey has a question at the bottom that says "do you have a dream/something we don't know about you?" and we are going to take those answers and fill in a thumb print. We're going to make the thumb print multicoloured and it will say "We're leaving our mark" pretty simple but it's my first year, I don't want to get too crazy yet. 

Well, I guess I should stop rambling on and on. One of the kids just came in and said "wow you type fast" Thank You! I take pride in my developing teen years of scowling over my laptop as I chat on MSN. 


Tuesday 10 November 2015

Warning: Probably a very long post!


Wow, I have not made a blog post in a million years (4 months) because so much has been going on!

When I last left off, I had just failed my driver's test and I was not loving life. I had tons to look forward to but my independence was trailing a bit. I'm happy to report that I passed my test in August and am now free to roam the land!

The end of the year was pretty active to say the least. I ordered new tables, had a plan to change the library's look a tad and weeded 100 or more books from the shelves. I had little helpers to stamp "Discarded" on all the books, and they were added to our "Little Free Library" that is now located in the paper room. A few students have noticed it's location and staff have taken some books as well.

I also mentioned before that the school division ordered 100 books for each classroom. It was like Christmas in June to a librarian. There were boxes of books to the ceiling, and only one woman for the job (me!) It was so much fun, but so so much work. I spent most of September cataloging the books for the high school classes to be added to the library since there is limited classroom space for their books. Since we are a k-12 school in a rural area, we also have an adult section for frequent readers, staff and community members. That section is now exploding with brand new amazing books. What a whirlwind!

My summer was awesome! Took a 20 day trip to visit my family and made it into a fun road trip with some new friends. I love showing my culture to my friends, especially love reactions to the ocean. I miss it already. The library was open once a week in the evenings but it did not see many patrons. Most of the time, the carpets were being cleaned and there were tools everywhere. I mostly took that time to reorganize the room a bit and do a TON of laminating. Just before school began, we had a 2 day workshop on trauma. It was quite helpful.

From the very start of the year, I have been on a learning curve. Being an adviser for the Yearbook Committee has been amazing, yet challenging. The students that have joined are wonderful kids. Some of the students are involved in every possible extra curricular the school can offer, therefore yearbook can sometimes be left behind by them. Thankfully, we have some great photographers this year, students that may not join much during the school year, I am feeling quite accomplished. We've been to a workshop, we have regular meetings on Tuesdays, and we are on top of our picture taking and page designing. Thankfully, I have a great relationship with the adviser from last year, and she has helped me with so much. If you are taking on a new project, a month by month schedule of "what you should be doing" helps infinitely. Having come into this job with not a single clue of what I was doing, it was great to have some insight for yearbook! Of course, I owe a lot of my knowledge as well to blogs, pinterest boards and yearbook company representatives.

My library budget this year is great, but I feel as though I'm ordering too many books (if that's even possible) too early. The budget is modest but it has already gotten us some very sought after reads. Yes, I'm taking about the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. It's barely touched a shelf since it's been here.

As far as life at school has been, our new staff members (and members that have come back since the new school year) are wonderful people. They are very knowledgeable and have impeccable control over their classrooms. This makes pleasant library time! We also have loads of new students, it's been great getting to know them. Because my job can involve a lot of sitting, I've joined the gym. it's been great so far. Somehow I haven't lost my will power, since the time change has happened, it's darker earlier and I have so much Halloween candy leftover (kinda gross now)

My plans for the future are: get some doctors appointments organized, put away the remembrance day books and organize the winter books. Get those books on display and figure out how I can deck out a cart with wrapping paper for Christmas books. I also need to find bulk stickers to begin "genrefying" my YA section. That is going to take forever but, it will be fun and also tricky, given the library is the highest traffic area in the school (can you believe it?)

My hands hurt. I'm done.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Tiny stop signs are my enemies.

Well I failed my drivers test. Awesome. I suppose that is what happens when you finally get around to it six years later. 

Great news is, I managed to get all my supplies for next year ordered and also ten brand new tables! My dreams are coming true! The tables are from a Canadian (yeah!!) company called MityBilt.
--> http://www.mitybilt.com/ 

For the high school, it's exam time. So I have a lot of kids in here studying and hanging out. It can be loud in here, which is exactly what I want! I just have to make sure the rest of the staff is on board with that. 

I've cleared out my ancient paper room and am making room for textbooks. Right now, the textbooks are out on the shelves taking up a lot of space. I figure they will stay nice and neat in the back room, and I can also keep tabs on who is taking those textbooks home next year. 

I've decided to take on the responsibility of overseeing the Yearbook Committee next year. I just have to check and see if support staff can actually do this. I think it will be a lot of fun! I'm actually so excited for next year, new tables, new YA section, new charging station for laptops, new things to take on, new staff members to meet! WOO. Hopefully I can actually drive myself to work as well, ha ha... 

I think that's all I have to say. I suppose I should get to making up bills for lost books now. 

Tuesday 9 June 2015

New Look! & Other Things..

My awesome wrist is acting up again so this is probably going to take an hour to write. 

So as you (imaginary you) can see, I've tried giving this blog a new look. I love the font and the colours. I can't seem to get rid of that giant photo at the top.. I'll have to keep working on that. Still no followers, that's cool.... But I have added some widgets! I feel like I'm finally regaining my youthful technological knowledge. Yay! 

The school year is winding down, and my mental list of things to do and people to call is growing. I have so many plans (sadly expensive plans) for my summer. I am not sure if this library remains open a few days a week to the public? Will have to find that out. Since it is my first year away from all of my family and friends, they are my priority for this summer. I cannot WAIT to see them! 

For the end of the year, I need to obtain all overdue books (daunting task) but I'll see what I can do. I'm hoping I can generate enough funds from lost books for get some new ones in September! As I mentioned before, I will be weeding a lot of books from the library, but it would definitely not hurt to get some new ones for the kids. Diary of a wimpy kid, Dear dumb diary, Dork diaries (man they love diaries) and Big Nate, among the most popular. 

Apparently also, I accept every single lock from the lockers for the whole school, the amazing school secretary has made me some awesome labels for the combinations for next year however, so amazing! 

There are only fourteen (yeah 14!) days of school left, and 2 administration days, I will be here going through the books and reorganizing them. Any that I find that are outdated, in terrible shape etc will be stored to donate. I'm also toying with the idea of having a "Little Free Library" for books to giveaway, I'll have tons stored to replenish it. 

Among all of this, the library is hopefully getting a new look too! A new mat, which I have designed myself, a more open concept, computers in the middle of the room as apposed to in the corner, new tables, books organized into genre in the Young Adult section, a listening centre, a board-game centre and a chalk board wall. I'm trying to make this place BUMPING! Since we don't have a cafeteria. It doesn't have to always be quiet in here right?

For me personally, these next two months are going to be jam packed. From sports banquets, to book club meetings, to days at the beach (can't wait) to concerts-SHANIA TWAIN HELLO! To driving tests, camping, weddings and road trips. The summer is going to come in like a lion. 

Hope your end-of-year craziness goes well!!! 

Thursday 28 May 2015

What Could My Library Become?

A lot of people ask me, when they find out my job- "libraries are still a thing?" "Books are still involved in a budget?" 

Why yes, of course! Why not? 

Maybe not as many as ten or twenty years ago, but at least in my school, library period and downtime for reading are still a heavy part of the curriculum. As much as I love checking out books and putting them all back on the shelf, there are so (I mean SO) many books that haven't been held by a student in years. These can be "weeded" out and donated! I am so excited to do this. My best friend Pinterest has shown me some great photos and articles for weeding books from the library. 

Why do I want to do this? So I can have more SPACE for new and cool things. I'd love to make this room a space where students and staff can come to communicate, cooperate and create! Don't worry about my books- they will still be here, and maybe I can replace some of the old beaten up/popular books with new ones. 

This room needs new tables, new flooring and a re-vamp of how the room is laid out. We also have some older furniture that can be replaced with some benches/chairs/foot stools. This school does not have a cafeteria so a lot of students come in here to hang out, and if they haven't gotten enough sleep the night before, some come in here to relax and catch a few Z's. I definitely don't want to take that away from them. 

I've been asking for feedback from some students, and privacy was a huge matter! The room is already light and open concept, but keeping some areas from the learning commons would need to happen. So much to think about. 

I'll share a link that my vice principal showed me on re-creating an old library and turning it into something amazing! http://www.news-leader.com/story/news/education/2015/05/25/fathers-school-library/27902597/

This morning I walked in to 13 brand new laptops, they are charged by USB and they no longer have disc drives! The future is now. (haha) I am not sure they will be my responsibility next year, which is o.k, maybe I can get the ball rolling faster on a re-vamped library. 

I know I know, you're thinking "man where will she get this money?" It will take a long time, but I will make do with what I have until we can get it all done at once. 


Wednesday 27 May 2015


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Thursday 21 May 2015

Everyone Has a Job.

Is this true? 

Since beginning work here, I've heard multiple teaching and support staff state the phrase "what is your job right now?" to kids when they have come off-task. I've been asking myself this question as well. I have set out on a quest to ask my frequent library users what my job is in this room. I also ask what they think their job is when they enter the library. I've gotten a few of the obvious answers, remain quiet, return books undamaged etc. So I'm going to keep asking, seeing what the kids want from me and expect from me. I believe they should have a say in what I'm doing, as long as it is appropriate for the library. 

April 6th was my starting point, and this month and a half has really taught me so much. The connections I've been making with students and to hear them say "will you be back next year too?" is wonderful. It really is one of the best feelings. The students that hold back from opening up to me and respecting the space are a little more challenging for me. This is the main thing I need to keep working at. I work alone and often there is nowhere to turn for advice, except for books of course. I finished the book "restitution" and it's working somewhat. I just need to keep repeating and restarting so that these students can learn to self-correct before someone else yells at them. 

This room is a place of refuge, its comfy in here, and it's quiet. Students come here to relax. I want them to know as well that if they are having a bad day, I never leave here, and they can talk to me about whatever they want, without me trying to force them to class. These are the kinds of answers I'm looking for in my "job" quest. I want to know what the kids think my job is and should be. I also hope they know where they stand too. 

Is there seriously only six weeks left? 

Exam prep should be starting soon, along with the tantalizing warm weather and field trip season! Maybe I should post some study tips too in the coming future....

That's all for now! 

Thursday 14 May 2015

What Day Is It?

About an hour ago, I had a plan on what I was going to write today. Now, it's completely escaped me. I'm just going to write anyway.

This week has been ridiculous! However, it is my birthday tomorrow so I'm very excited about that. I don't have any plans for my big day and that is perfectly fine.

Great news- the school division has asked the teachers in it's schools to order 100 books for each class, which means for our school (since it's k-12) 1300 brand new books. I am not sure if I'll be cataloging all of these books or just labeling them class-wise. Either way, I think this is really cool. One thing I've really noticed with the kids is that they are always saying "my class doesn't have any good books, I want to work in here with the books in the library". Don't get me wrong, I love having classes in here for daily 5 and other purposes, but I know it will mean SO much to the kids and the teachers when they come to class one day with 100 specifically chosen books for their classrooms. 

In order to keep up with this, I'll have to make sure I am on top of the new best-sellers all of next year. I've already been compiling a list, hopefully I can start ordering in September! 

Yesterday school ended early, the kids were gone and the teachers were in meetings. This meant that I had the chance to re-organize some of the books in the elementary section. Surprisingly, there were only a few books that were crazily out of place! I got over halfway done, but it's a daunting task that must go uninterrupted. 

A lot of my time spent this week has been on research. Thankfully I work in the perfect place for that. I am reading a book called 'Restitution' by Diane Chelsom Gossen. This is helping me to break my brain into itty bitty pieces at different points in the day. I need to keep reminding myself to remain calm, show that I care, and think differently than in previous jobs. This is a challenge that I enjoy, because I know no matter how long it takes, even if I take a million steps back- I will eventually make connections with these students. These students need to know that I will be here tomorrow and the day after that. 

Over half the kids have given me compliments today, and it's so awesome to see smiles on their faces! I straightened my hair today and they are so flabbergasted. I also hid some minions around my desk and made the scanner into a fancy man with a mustache! 

I must sign off now, since I'm just noticing that there may be a bird in the library.....BYE! 

Friday 8 May 2015

What's New in my Zoo.

Yes, it is a zoo.

A month has gone by and here is a list of accomplishments:
  1. Connections with students
  2. Putting my mark in the library (crafts on crafts on crafts) 
  3. Knowing the timetable- a.k.a when kids should be in class, and when they should be visiting me.
  4. Cataloging an obscene amount of amazing books
  5. Learning what Minecraft, Clash of Clans, and Roadblock is (I know, I'm only 23 and I am SO out of the loop) 
  6. Organizing everything I can so I know where I leave things
  7. Getting to know the staff: laminating every thing in speedy time (and cutting it all out, too)
  8. I have basically taught myself everything there is to know about anything in this library from scratch. This includes cataloging, using the computer program, fixing books that have been damaged, renting laptops/cameras, the printer (the printer is like a Rubik's cube) and memorizing the locations of the books- and then putting them all away.
The kids now know me by name, and it feels great. This has been an amazing experience so far, and I feel as though I have come a long way since the beginning. 

Of course, there have been some bad days, it takes a level of self-control that I have never known existed in me. Even with the bad days, there are always great moments. I was lucky enough to be asked to work with a student every morning on reading recovery, sight words and sentence building. I am so proud of this student, and she has really started to open up to me. This student has already moved up several levels in one month! This makes me feel as though no matter what I am attempting, I am still making a difference

One of my favourite things to do, aforementioned in my last post is reading to classes regularly. Although I do not have specific qualifications to be named a teacher-librarian, I am still trying to form some sort of lesson while reading specific books. I am always communicating with teachers to make sure I am reading books that pertain to their monthly themes or projects. I do a lot of improvising, however the kids are very smart, and they always answer my questions beautifully. I read a lot about cultures within the school, and about the environment. 

This school is Kindergarten to Grade 12, so it is always fun yet challenging to portray myself in many different aspects. I have only just graduated high school 5 years ago, so I am mostly a friend to the much older kids, and a funny crafty big kid to the younger ones. 

Thank you Pinterest for livening up my library each and every day! I will post the pins so that maybe you can use them too! 

The new Librarian is signing off! 

Thursday 7 May 2015

How did I get here?

How DID I get here? 

That is a wonderful question. 

Who knew that I would attain my dream job within a year of graduating university? 

It all began in the second year of my degree in Modern Languages. I got the crazy yet rewarding idea in my head to learn a completely new language- Spanish. I am already fluent in french, why not learn another one? 

By the end of the year, I was grasping introductions, food and the names of articles of clothing. I felt as though I was the smartest and most articulate Spanish-speaking student on the planet. 
Until, my professor announced our final project for the year- write a children's book, make it yourself, and read it to the kids at the local library. Excuse me? How was I going to write an entire story in my now third language, make it look nice and pleasing to the eye of a 4 year old, and then actually read it out loud to them? 

My partner and I worked long hard hours, we missed out on residence house events and turned her room into a ground zero disaster zone. After a week, we created a masterpiece. Now all it took was the confidence and proper pronunciation to get it done. It was called "Llamas in Pajamas" and really only brushed the surface of Latin American culture. It was about two llamas who, of course were wearing pajamas, crossed Southern America meeting friends and learning pieces of their culture along the way. The book was hand-made, and hand-bound. 

We presented the book to the kids, read it to them and something sparked in me. I knew it wouldn't be the last time I would read to a group of wriggly and smiley-faced children. Our class voted on the best books, and we came in second place. The book is still on display in the local library, three years later! 

That summer, my friends and I rented a seven bedroom house in our tiny university town, and got to work finding jobs. I searched high and low, interview after interview. Finally, it was down to two possibilities. A clerical job at the University, or a co-coordinator for the Summer Reading Club at the local library. My confidence level did not allow me to believe I could really do well at either job. Somehow, I flourished during the library position interview, and I was successful! That day began my ongoing love affair for working in libraries, and of course, with kids. 

At the age of 20, I understood what it meant to wake up every day, and go to work enjoying every single aspect. The kids, my co-workers, the atmosphere, the program. Most of all, I enjoyed how much of the work was created solely by myself and the other coordinator. We were in charge of sparking the minds of the youngsters, keeping their reading up, and of course, being as silly as a "big kid" can be. I worked at this job for two summers, and was torn when I knew I would not be returning. 

Before my second reading club summer, I traveled to Québec City and there I met my boyfriend. We spent a year in a long distance relationship, and now we are reaching our two-year point of meeting one another in Canada's most romantic city (barf). He is a teacher at a small school in a rural prairie town. I guess you could say that is how I got here. I spent the last 9 months working at a children's museum, and working at a national museum. These jobs helped me to build my self-confidence, learn, co-operate and work on my biggest weakness- multitasking. I can now say that I can easily plan an event, clean after guests, supervise volunteers, and answer the toughest questions while keeping my sanity intact. There were so many other feats to those jobs but my mind isn't quite recalling them at this moment. 

A job opening at my partner's school has brought me here once and for all. I am the librarian! It is not quite like the Summer Reading Club, but it is the job I have been working towards. To me, this is a career, and I plan to treat it as so. This blog will be the place where I keep fragments of ideas, plans for the future, experiences that I can read over and see my progress. 

If anyone ever reads this, please enjoy! This is a journey for the both of us. 
The Adventures of a New Librarian